There are lots of times in life where we know we need to make a change, but we aren't sure how to.

TransformAction is all about equpping and resourcing you to take the steps toward transformation. Theory and principles are necessary, but unless we walk away from a learning opportunity with a plan of action, we won't be able to make lasting change.

So join us on this journey of becoming who we are meant to be to live a life of intention, connection, and fulfillment.

"Renae was awesome. She is such an engaging speaker, and the subject matter surpassed my expectations. I appreciated how scientific she got with her examples and explanations. I could tell all of the attendees were genuinely interested."

- RESPITE Conference '19 Attendee

Hi, I’m Renae!

Renae M. Dupuis, M.Div. R-HYI, R-TSHYI, is a teacher, speaker, writer, and advocate in Southern California. With a Masters in Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, she teaches at schools, churches and organizations regularly. She is also a Parent Trainer for Empowered to Connect, a TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) Practitioner, a Community Wellness Advocate, and an ACE Interface Master Trainer.

She serves a Director of Trauma and Whole-Person Care and founder of the RESPITE Program, programming and facilitating support within the foster, adoptive, and kinship constellation. Renae also shares self-care tips on her YouTube Channel “Keeping Your Heart” - find free tools at